zwf PondMax Solar Pumps
Learn about these solar pumps...
Pondmax PS600 Solar Pump - This solar pump has 5 meter cable and is good for small/medium water features up to 100cm high
Pondmax PS1700 Solar Pump - This solar pump has 5 meter cable and is good for most of our water features pumping water up to 1.7m high
PondMAX PS3500 Solar Pump & Panel Kit - This solar pump has 5 meter cable and is good for extra large water features and water features where plumbing is split to drive water 2-3 ways (ie 3 slate walls)
PondMAX Backup Battery Box (to suit PS3500 only) - This box makes hooking up battery storage easy for running a solar pump at night or in rainy condition. The battery backup box requires a 12NiCAD battery (not included).
Please note - these pumps require direct sunlight on the solar panel to operate - rain, shade or cloud may cause them to stop.