Alphabet Squabble
In Alphabet Land, the A's planted Avocados, Apples and Apricots. The A's knew they were very important. They began the Alphabet." Everyone in Alphabet Land knows that A's, C's and P's are popular letters. But X's, Y's and Z's matter too - don't they? Join the rowdy alphabet squabble and find out. In Isaac Drought's delightful story, lowly letters learn to stand up to the loud and proud!
Isaac Drought has always been an avid reader but it wasn't until he left New Zealand to teach overseas that he began writing with passion. Alphabet Squabble is Isaac's first published book, but he has a great deal of enthusiasm and a number of ideas for others. Jenny Cooper has illustrated a number of picture books including the very successful There's a Hole in my Bucket and Do Your Ears Hang Low? She has also illustrated Scholastic NZ titles Down in the Forest, Shut the Gate, On a Rabbit Hunt and the Pick'n'Mix anthologies, as well as covers and internal vignettes for junior chapter books, most recently Vince Ford's new series Scrap
32 pages
Recommended ages 4-9 years